Alpha Computers provide one of the best classes management software. it includes all the facilities which a person requires to manage a coaching class in reasonable price.
All the fetures like Student & Staff data management, Staff I-Card, Student I-Card, Inquiry management, Attendance, Auto Attendance, Test Management, Test Monthly reports, Fees Management, Fees collection and Pending Reports, SMS Facilities, and many more are part of it.
It doesn't have just vast numbers of features, it is also easy to use and scalable software. Users can create as many users as they want with perticular rights which establishes data integrity.
Edusoft-X is so flexible and easy that at the end of year, it automatically updates students from their standards. It also gives you opportunity to manage multiple years in single software. That means you can find any data of any student any time.
Edusoft-X is not just a software, it is your digital partner to manage your college smoothly. And if you use it perfectly, you will surely see sign board of "Admission Full" outside of your college campus.